Four decades have passed
Of a voyage without end
Through our galaxy
credit: JPL
Who begrudges it?
A life devoted to toil
Ending with bed rest.
President Donald J. Trump
Will look a science-denying chump,
If Fox News prompts him to tweet
"Sad. The Sun's been eaten by a yuge parakeet."
Salmon Rushdie
Found it decidedly fishy
That they'd not accept, his pals,
He'd made nowt from Midnight's Children residuals.
© Jonathan Cape
Sir Christopher Wren
Never said when
He planned to finish St. Paul's.
He felt suspense enthralls.
Clarence Clemons
Avoided sucking lemons.
They caused the Big Man's lips to bloat,
Imparting a bitter citrus note.
Anthony Scaramucci
An effing handbagger-with-Gucci.
It takes longer to read this Clerihew
Than he spent at the White House, phew!
No nostril nostrum
Brought low by viral languor
Phlegmish word painter
Extreme Vetting Zoo
Colourful names, characters
Trump's menagerie