On Ross Poldark
Baby oil dost maketh its mark.
Much be Cornish ladies' needing
Such Cornish pasties' kneading
credit: BBC / PA
Feel a bit sheepish
Texting 'ba' to my phone firm
To find my balance
credit: Daily Mail
In pristine yellow
And unblemished white hard hats
Votes-Chaser Alert
Credit: Guardian
Consumed by passion
Nothing left but your fervour
Catalytic love
Rugby bingeing with old friends
And high hopes for Wales
Compact car drives by
In large car park driven by
Compacted driver
Mark Rylance
To 'Greensleeves' refused to prance.
His reserved demeanour
Somehow made a dirty job cleaner.
credit: BBC
Mystery woman
At the bar elicits both
Hope and self loathing.
She looked long and deep
Into my eyes as lovers
(and opticians) do
Just stop all the clocks
Passive aggressive protest
Dulls austere times' scythe
Robin Fell,
Though it was hard to tell,
As Principal Doorkeeper he rarely admitted
He thought 'Knock Knock' jokes half-witted.